HPG pays tribute to commander Erdal

The press center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) issued a statement with the latest information about the war in South Kurdistan and remembering guerrilla commander Erdal (Engin Sincer), who died 21 years ago.

The statement said: “Hevalê Erdal, a brave son of our people from Maraş, went to Kurdistan from Europe and received his first training from Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan]. He became one with the mountains of Botan and followed in the footsteps of our great commander Egîd.”

Erdal (Engin Sincer) died on 18 August 2003 in the Qendîl Mountains in South Kurdistan. In the 1990s, he fought in Gabar and other places in North Kurdistan and was the area commander of Botan. “He was a successful commander of the ARGK and took responsibility in military, political, social and diplomatic affairs. In the process of the Hêzên Parastina Gel (HPG) being founded, becoming professional and going on the offensive, he was one of the leading commanders,” the HPG said in its statement, adding: “Hevalê Erdal was a teacher at every moment of his life. The fighting legacy he left behind still shows us the way today. We remember him with love, respect and gratitude.”

Guerrilla resistance against Turkish invasion

As for the resistance of the YJA Star and HPG against the Turkish invasion in the Medya Defense Areas, the HPG Press Center said that the occupation forces in Metîna, Xakurke and the western Zap region were attacked several times with heavy weapons in the past few days. In Serê Metîna, an excavator used by the Turkish army was damaged, and in the Girê Amêdî, Sergelê and Girê FM areas, snipers destroyed surveillance cameras.

Attacks by the Turkish army

According to the HPG, a guerrilla tunnel in Girê FM was attacked six times with banned explosives in the past three days. In Girê Amêdî. An unconventional bomb was also used in a tunnel.

According to the information, the Medya Defense Areas were bombed 28 times by fighter jets between 14 and 16 August. The bombed areas were Sinînê, Şehîd Şerîf, Berbizina and Kendekola in the Xakurke region (11 times), Sêdarê, Çemrobotkî, Xêrê, Dêreşê, Heftebax, Dêrîk and Deşta Kafya in Gare (9 times), Serê Metîna and Dergelê Resistance Areas in Metîna (4 times), Girê Bahar in Zap (4 times).