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Guerrilla Korkmaz: Commander Egîd led our army with his action
The Kurdistan freedom fighters are joining the war process with determination, and right now in the mountains of Kurdistan, there is resistance that will go down. The self-sacrificing guerrillas who paid a heavy price have been continuing the struggle started by Commander Egîd for 40 years.
Şervan Korkmaz, one of the guerrillas who took part in the historical resistance against the attacks by the Turkish state, explained how he was influenced by Commander Egîd.
Guerrilla Şervan Korkmaz said: “After joining the struggle, I took the surname of Heval Egîd [Korkmaz]. Because when my friends talked about Heval Egîd, I was very impressed. I thought a lot about his participation in the war and his life.
Heval Mazlum Doğan made the decision to join after getting to know him. Heval Egîd determined the level of the war with the first bullet he fired, and led our army. We are also fighting on this basis and following the path of our great commanders, Egîd and Zilan. I used his surname because I wanted to be a guerrilla like Heval Egîd. I also want to be a war commander like Heval Egîd. When I read Heval Egîd’s diary, I got to know him better and my loyalty to the party increased even more.”
Guerrilla Korkmaz continued: “The actions he took in Botan and his evaluations at the meeting affected me very much. Heval Egîd tells all his memories and experiences in his diary. The more I read the diary, the more I started to like Heval Egîd. New friends who join usually get to know their fallen comrades from their diaries and base their experiences on them. As Kurdistan freedom guerrillas, we are also following in the footsteps of our fallen comrades and taking them as an example. We will follow in the footsteps of heval Egîd and Zilan until our last breath, and we will bring the struggle to success. Our promise and goal is to expel the occupiers out of these lands. Our struggle will continue until we remove the enemy from Kurdistan. On this basis, I send my greetings and love to Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] and our comrades who are resisting in the trenches against the enemy.”