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Special war policies in Hakkari: Prostitution, drugs and gangs
Hakkari (Colemêrg), located in the triangle of Bakur (North), Başûr (South) and Rojhilatê (East) Kurdistan, has become the target of the Turkish state’s special policies. Within the scope of the special war policies implemented by the Turkish state, prostitution, drug sales and use, the mafia and gangs have increased. Murder, torture and ill-treatment have become daily practice. The city’s people are the target of armored vehicles and police bullets.
Speaking to ANF about the special war policies implemented by the state, DEM Party Colemêrg Provincial co-chair Hümeyra Armut said: “After 2015 in particular, special war policies were implemented heavily in various provinces and Hakkari and Şırnak were among these. In fact, special attention was given to these two cities. While the state prevents even a bird from flying here, drugs can be easily brought into the city and sold. Similarly, prostitution is also carried out freely. Most of these things are actually carried out by state officials. We have also seen drugs found in police vehicles. There are many examples of this kind.”
‘Indictment and submission policy’
Hümeyra Armut, drew attention to the fact that the state has been implementing a policy of intimidation and submission on the people of Colemêrg since 2015, and added: “What happened in Hakkari after the 31 March [2024] local elections should be examined in detail. This was a period when the special war policy was at its peak. The state concentrated on targeting this area. Hakkari is a city with a dense young population. The state wants to squeeze the youth into a narrow area. Theft, prostitution and drugs are being tried to be normalized here. These are not coincidences; they are part of a systematic assimilation process. The festivals and concerts that are held are also in this direction. Recently, a sergeant major harassed a 17-year-old girl at a festival held in Çukurca. Such incidents are conscious actions aimed at corrupting society through youth and women. In addition, usury has also become widespread in the city, and we believe that this situation is created by the system.”
‘The aim is to turn the city into a military area’
Emphasizing that the number of suicides among women and young people in Colemêrg has increased in recent years, Armut said: “Young people are forced to migrate to metropolises because they cannot find a living space here and are desperate. In this way, the state is trying to alienate and separate young people from their lands. They are being dragged into drugs. The aim is to destroy the city, leave it with nothing, empty it and turn it into a military area. Çukurca has now become a military area and security forces are seen everywhere. A special war policy is being implemented in Hakkari and an environment of fear is being created. Young people who want to exercise their right to protest are being targeted by bullets. Young people who make Kurdish music and dance the Kurdish halay are being detained. Local artists who sing Kurdish songs are being arrested because of their songs.”
‘Kurdish language and culture are being denied’
Armut said: “The basis of special war policies is the denial of Kurds, the denial of the Kurdish language, art and culture. The aim is to create chaos. The AKP government is trying to legitimize itself by doing politics through the Kurds in order to maintain its own power. As a result, an understanding that does not accept the Kurds and their language is emerging. The policy pursued by the AKP is a policy of total hostility. We are working intensively to prevent this, and we must form a common line of struggle against special war policies.”