Boğaziçi academics: Our resistance will continue with the same determination and hope

Boğaziçi University academics have demanded the resignation of the newly appointed rector Naci İnci and the entire staff members who were hired during the former rector Melih Bulu’s term.

The academics gathered for the 158th time to protest the appointment of trustee rectors to their university by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the dismissal of their colleagues by turning their backs on the rectorate office.

In a written statement, the protesting academics pointed out that press outlets are still not allowed to the university, police officers patrol the university with heavy weapons, and the campus is controlled by surveillance cameras. Private security guards and plainclothes policemen are also present on the campus.

“Naci İnci has proved himself as an implementer of the plan to destroy Boğaziçi University with his actions while serving as vice-rector during the term of Melih Bulu. Inci fired two of our friends, dismissed the coordinator of the Sexual Harassment Prevention, Education and Support Coordination Office, and carried out several unlawful practices. The appointment of Naci İnci indicates that the previous trustee regime will be preserved.


“Despite all the difficulties and pressures, our resistance will continue based on the same determination and hope. Our vigil and other actions will continue as before. We will preserve our participatory management culture, which the appointed administration is trying to eliminate, as well as our principles that secure a free academic environment. The pluralistic environment of our campus will continue to exist with the contributions of all components. The directors and coordinators of all units, faculties and institutes in our university should be appointed through elections. The directors of the Institutes of Social Sciences and Natural Sciences, which we have elected through transparent and democratic means, should be appointed immediately. We demand the resignation of the appointed rector, Naci İnci and his entire staff members who were hired during Melih Bulu’s term.”