Emine Osê: International forces are implicated

Emine Osê, Spokesperson for the Co-Presidency of the North-East Syria Autonomous Administration, stated that the Turkish state uses all kinds of attack methods against North-East Syria in front of the entire world, but international institutions are content with only occasional statements and that these institutions should now have an attitude based on problem-solving.

Emine Osê, the Co-Presidency Spokesperson, responded to ANF’s questions on the latest developments in the region.

The UN said in a statement that if the situation in Syria continues, there would be far larger migrations, particularly due to drought and water shortages. What is to be gleaned from this statement?

Because of Turkey’s long-standing position towards North-East Syria, the region is continually vulnerable to various attacks. These attacks are occasionally carried out militarily, particularly against residential areas and communities. On the other hand, Turkey activates all of its political relations, blocks all of Syria’s northern border crossings, and imposes an embargo. Closing all of these border crossings, of course, creates significant human issues. The region is currently experiencing coronavirus disease, which is rapidly expanding. The Autonomous Administration’s means are limited, and these means are insufficient to avoid the disease. Again, turning off the water supply to the Euphrates has been on the agenda for some time. It is obvious that what has been done constitutes a major war crime. On the one hand, people are continually targeted by military attacks, while on the other, attempts are made to kill them through hunger and thirst, both of which constitute war crimes. All of this is taking place in front of nations such as Russia, which ostensibly acts as a guarantor in the region. International powers and institutions should have responded strongly, particularly in the case of the water crisis. We have made all required diplomatic and legal attempts as the Autonomous Administration. We attempted to fix this problem, in particular through Russia. Russia is the alliance’s guarantor, but our efforts yielded no results. Russia was unable to apply the required pressure on the Turkish government in order to resolve the issue.

The United Nations’ declaration is the product of their own strategy. The problem isn’t simply the lack of water; all of the attacks that are being carried out in the North-East Syria regions today are there in front of their eyes. They observe and they are aware of all the complications that develop amid the economic crisis and the Corona pandemic. Instead of making an explanation, they should devise solutions. They would demonstrate a solution-oriented intent if they had it.

What strategies can be devised to prevent migration that has been pointed out?

There are methods for preventing migration. One of these is the issue of water. Everyone, particularly international institutions and states, should exert pressure on the Turkish state to ensure the release of the water. They just make statements and point out the possibilities instead of avoiding problems and producing solutions.

We mobilize all of our resources as the Autonomous Administration. But this isn’t just our problem. Today, neighbouring countries are all dealing with the same economic issues. Iraq is in crisis, the Turkish state is in crisis, and Iran is in the same condition. In this respect, the situation in these surrounding countries affects North-East Syria, and Syria, of course, is included.

Our ancestors put up great labor on this land. In the face of challenges, they have made a remarkable sacrifice. In 2013, there was a major embargo, and we were at war until 2015. Our people, government and forces have all resisted and stood firm. This is how we made it through the process. Today, we are fighting against this vicious war. The Turkish state attacks whenever the opportunity arises. Til Temir and Girê Spi areas are under constant attack right now. Our people are putting up a strong fight against these attacks. International institutions and authorities should also fulfil their responsibilities. They should struggle to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

Each region of North-East Syria is subject to a different set of policies. Afrin is already in a totally different condition. The embargo policy, the water policy, the strategy of changing the demography… They intend to use various war methods to intimidate the population. The Turkish state is erecting buildings on the property of the Afrin residents who are sheltering in Shehba. They bring people from outside Syria and settle them here.

They are destroying the people’s fields and trees in front of their eyes, which they have nurtured like their children for years. All of this has a significant impact on people’s psychology. On the other hand, the Damascus regime is staunchly opposing any aid to Afrin. In any case, no international institution has fulfilled its responsibilities towards the people of Afrin, who have been living in Shehba for many years. The Autonomous Administration has taken on the job of meeting all of these people’s needs, but it encounters hundreds of obstructions before reaching Shehba.

We freed North-East Syria together with all of its peoples. We have a functioning administration, defence forces, and security forces. With our fight, we drew the attention of the entire globe. Now is the time for the international community to do its part in resolving the situation in North-East Syria in order for a status to be attained there. The Turkish state and its mercenaries should not keep silent in the face of the attacks on the lands, nature, and people of North-East Syria. By closing the border crossings, cutting off the water, and changing the demography, the Turkish state is conducting a major war and a crime against humanity. International powers that keep silent in the face of this are also complicit.

What plan do you have as the Autonomous Administration to combat the Turkish state’s war policy and attacks?

We have initiatives and strategic plans in place to address all of these issues. We shall overcome all of these challenges with the help of our people. Our people share this conviction and determination. The enemy’s tactics have always been consistent. Unable to achieve results through war, they threaten to take away the people’s bread, cut off their water, and confiscate their property and lands; they assault whenever they have the opportunity. All of this is known to our people. We shall overcome this as well.