Bedran Hemo: KDP should not fall into Turkey’s trap

The invading Turkish army has been attacking the Medya Defense Zones in South Kurdistan since April 23. While the guerrillas are waging peerless resistance and repulsing the attacks, the Turkish state, unable to make any progress, uses the ruling Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) for its own interests. The KDP forces attacked a group of guerrillas in Bexme village of Xelifan district in South Kurdistan on July 26. The attacked guerrillas have since been unaccounted for.

Bedran Hemo, member of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) Aleppo-Sheikh Maqsoud organisation, assessed the issue for ANHA. He expressed that both the KDP and the Turkish state adopt the same mentality, and in the frame of common interests, they treat the Kurdish Freedom Movement as a serious threat.

Condemning the Turkish state’s attacks on South Kurdistan, Bedran Hemo continued, “The HPG has been resisting the attacks. On the other hand, the Turkish state has been supported by the KDP. This situation is posing a great danger against Kurdistan.”

Bedran Hemo recalled the 5 peshmergas who lost their lives and stressed that the Turkish state, seek to cause a fratricide among Kurds through these attacks.

The KDP should explain the aftermath of the kidnapped guerrillas, said Bedran Hemo and added, “Such steps serve the interests of the Turkish state. The KDP should be cautious against the Turkish state’s schemes. Every Kurd should make an effort for the Kurdish national congress.”