‘KDP adopts misogynist policies as ISIS and the Turkish state’

Kurdistan Free Women’s Movement (RJAK) members Xewla Mihemed Hesen, Ciwana Ebdulbaqi and Seyran Ehmed Hesen were kidnapped by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) forces in South Kurdistan following the commemoration event held in Shengal on August 5. For 16 days, RJAK members have been unaccounted for.

On the other hand, the KDP conducted an attack on a group of three guerrillas in the vicinity of Bexme village of Xelifan district in South Kurdistan on July 26. Afterwards, the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) announced that they lost contact with the three guerrillas who were attacked.

Women’s organisations and institutions in North-East Syria, especially Kongreya Star, through multiple statements, urged the KDP to urgently release the kidnapped female politicians. Yet, the KDP has taken no positive step despite all the calls. 

Berivan Cuma, member of Kongreya Star Euphrates Region Coordination, pointed out that the KDP has been a partner in the Turkish state’s attacks against the Kurds. She added that the KDP should not serve the enemy anymore.

Remarking that the KDP adopts the same mentality as ISIS and the Turkish state, Berivan Cuma said, “They all have male-dominated mentalities. They cannot stand the democratic struggles of women. Why did the KDP kidnap 3 RJAK activists on the anniversary of the Yazidi genocide? What are these women accused of?”

The KDP had a finger in the previous genocide attacks, stressed Berivan Cuma, and stated that the KDP should immediately inform about the situations of the three female politicians.

Dirok Misko, member of Kongreya Star Euphrates Region Coordination, said “Women have been leading a revolution today. Women broke the walls of the dungeons. This situation is contrary to their interests. They want women to be slaves.”

Pointing out the historic faults of the KDP, Dirok Misko stated that the KDP should serve the interests of Kurdish people instead of the enemy’s benefit. She lastly called on all women to take to the streets against all unjust practices.