Refugees from Rojava tortured by Turkish border guards

Refugees from the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria have once again been mistreated by Turkish border guards during an attempted border crossing into northern Kurdistan. As those affected reported in an interview with the Rojava-based news agency ANHA, the incident occurred on Sunday night between Qamişlo and Nusaybin. According to the report, a total of 28 civilians in two groups tried to cross the border into Turkish territory. Only two people managed to escape; all others were apprehended and detained, according to those affected.

“There were four of us in our group,” 14-year-old N.H. told ANHA. When they were spotted in the border strip by three or four soldiers, they initially fired, he said. “Two of the group managed to escape, E.A. and I were less lucky.” On the spot, he said, the youth and the 34-year-old companion were first kicked, and later both were taken to the border guard. There, he said, about ten military men beat them with iron bars, hoses and other objects. The blows and kicks targeted almost all parts of the body. The right arm of the 14-year-old was broken.

E.A. stated that he had been knocked unconscious “by massive violence to the head”. The bodies of the men are marked by the traces of the beatings and numerous wounds, as can also be clearly seen on video recordings by ANHA. For several hours, they were in the grip of the Turkish army until they were thrown over the border wall, which was several meters high, on Sunday morning. The 24 people from the second group are also back in Qamişlo. They were abandoned at a crossing point and have since rejoined their families, he said. Among them were also several women and children.

According to ANHA, an eleven-year-old minor and a 25-year-old adult were allegedly pulled out of the group and raped by Turkish soldiers during the attempted border crossing. However, information on their health and whereabouts is not available in the report – “for the protection of the victims,” ANHA explained when asked.