Euphrates Region War Wounded Union condemns attacks of the Turkish state

The Euphrates Region War Wounded Union made a statement at the Free Women’s Square to protest the invading Turkish state’s attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria and the Kurdish people. A banner read “Let the massacres against the Kurdish people end”.

The statement, read by Necim El-Shewax, said: “We condemn the massacre carried out by ISIS against the Yazidi community on 3 August 2014 in Shengal. Thousands of Yazidis were killed in these attacks. Thousands of Yazidi women and children were abducted and sold in slave markets. All this happened because of the KDP, which abandoned the Yazidis to the brutality of ISIS. If the parties in South Kurdistan had defended the Kurds, the 73rd edict [genocide] would not have happened. The people of Shengal resisted against ISIS. Now it has created its own system. The international community should now recognize the Shengal Autonomous Administration.”

Stating that the Turkish state has carried out many massacres in the last period, Necim El-Shewax said: “The Turkish state’s murder of a family in Konya has once again revealed its hatred towards the Kurds. This massacre was not enough. They killed 4 members of a family in the village of Sefawi. With these attacks, the Turkish state wants to break the resistance of the Kurdish people and change the demographic structure of the region. Therefore, the Turkish state should be tried in international courts. The UN and EU must stop these massacres carried out by the Turkish state. As the Euphrates Region War Wounded Union, we condemn the massacres carried out by the Turkish state and its mercenaries in Shengal, Afrin, Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê.”