20 civilians kidnapped in occupied Afrin

The Human Rights Organisation Afrin – Syria released a statement providing information on the latest wave of arrests in the northern Syrian city of Afrin occupied by the Turkish army and allied mercenaries.

The statement said that dozens of local residents have been kidnapped in Afrin on orders of the Turkish intelligence services (MIT).

According to the statement, the Turkish-backed and controlled jihadist group Al Hamzat kidnapped 20 residents of the Xulalka village. The villagers were reportedly tortured and taken to the mercenaries’ headquarters.

The organisation disclosed the names of three of those abducted as Azad Horîk Hebel (27), Selah Reşîd Horo (37) and Selah Reşo (38).

Earlier today, a man named Mihemed Xelil Hec Hisên and his wife -not yet identified- were kidnapped by the occupation forces. No information is available about their whereabouts.

A regime of terror has been established in the Afrin city which has been occupied by the Turkish state since March 2018. The Turkish state and its mercenaries systematically commit war crimes and human rights violations in Afrin, including kidnapping, execution, torture, looting and forced displacement.