Women in Basel protest Turkish withdrawal from Istanbul Convention

The Socialist Re-Establishment Party (SYKP) Women’s Assembly organised a demonstration in Basel to protest Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. The demonstration was joined by dozens of women from different backgrounds who gathered in front of the cantonal parliament.

Shoes representing women killed by state violence and by men were displayed as well as the photo of HDP member Deniz Poyraz, who was murdered in the HDP Izmir Provincial Building.

Speakers at the action emphasized that with the withdrawal of Turkey from the Istanbul Convention, which guarantees women’s right to life, massacres of women would be rewarded with impunity.


Stating that the rights gained as a result of the centuries-long women’s struggle will be taken away with the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, the women added that they will continue the struggle to have the decision reversed.

Noting that tens of women have been murdered by men since the beginning of 2021, activists said: “A woman is murdered every two weeks in Switzerland by male violence.”

Activists said that violence against women was seen as a domestic problem and therefore addressed with ineffective laws.
