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Bayık: Öcalan wants to take the Kurdish question from a war environment to a democratic one
Speaking on a special program broadcast on Stêrk TV, the co-chair of the KCK Executive Council, Cemil Bayık, spoke ahead of the expected statement from Abdullah Öcalan. Bayık said that they had received a letter from Öcalan and that he wanted to elevate the initiatives previously launched to a greater purpose by shifting the Kurdish issue from a war environment to a democratic framework.
Bayık said: “Massive transformations are taking place in the Middle East. The region has been shattered and is now being rebuilt, with the capitalist modernity system aiming to reconstruct it based on its own interests. However, Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] wants to rebuild it in accordance with the will of the people, prioritizing the development of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. The leadership wants to undertake a historic effort for both the Kurdish people and the peoples of the Middle East. Everyone must support the process initiated by the leader.”
We publish excerpts of the interview.
You mentioned it, there is a sort of process taking place. The public is curious about what kind of statement Öcalan will make in February. Have you received anything directly or indirectly related to this? Any information, news, or rumors?
We drew some conclusions from the Turkish press. Then a letter arrived. This way, we received some direct information. As I mentioned, Leader Apo wants to take the initiatives he previously started for a greater purpose. He wants to take the Kurdish question out of the context of war and bring it into a democratic framework. He is working towards this goal. The statements being made and the discussions taking place are having a positive impact on the people, as well as on democrats, intellectuals, and socialists. We can even see that expectations are growing. It is also having a good effect on us. However, everyone should understand that since Leader Apo has taken an initiative and wants to use it for the benefit of the people, then everyone must take that hand. Only then can the desired goal be achieved. It is not enough that Leader Apo wants to take a step, that he wants to fulfill the demands of the people, the oppressed, women, youths, and socialists, and that this creates excitement, enthusiasm, and morale. Everyone must support the initiative that Leader Apo has developed because this initiative is for everyone.
He wants to solve the existing problems in both Turkey and the Middle East. He is fighting for this cause. Solving these issues is everyone’s goal. Everyone wants the war to end, everyone wants the country to democratize. Since this is what everyone wants, then they must support this initiative. This struggle should not be placed entirely on Leader Apo’s shoulders. Everyone has already placed all the burden on Leader Apo. He is carrying a very heavy load. He wants to respond to this under the conditions of Imrali. He is working for this and has taken on a great responsibility. But how will this lead to results? If everyone supports this initiative and strengthens it, then Leader Apo will be able to work more freely. Until now, he has never asked for anything for himself, nor has he done anything for his own benefit. Everything he has done has been for the people and for humanity. Because Leader Apo does not live for himself—he lives for the people and for humanity. That is why he wants to solve the problems of the people and humanity.
Right now, Leader Apo is taking steps in two areas. First, he is deepening the initiatives he previously developed on the issue of women’s freedom. Secondly, he is further deepening the initiatives he developed regarding socialism. Additionally, there are major changes happening in the Middle East. The Middle East has collapsed, and it is currently being rebuilt. The system of capitalist modernity wants to reconstruct the Middle East based on its own interests. However, Leader Apo wants to rebuild it according to the needs of the people. He prioritizes the development of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. He wants to carry out a historic effort not only for the Kurdish people but also for the peoples of the Middle East. Everyone must support the process that he has initiated.
Although a few meetings have been held with Öcalan, isolation continues. What steps should be taken to ensure a transition from a war environment to a legal and political one?
Even Bahçeli and Erdoğan are making calls to Leader Apo, saying, ‘The issue of weapons must be resolved’ and even ‘The PKK must be eliminated.’ However, the language they use, and their practical actions are completely contradictory. How is Leader Apo supposed to carry out any work under absolute isolation? How can he fulfill the requested demands under these conditions? He has no communication with our movement, no contact with the outside world, no access to the media—he has no communication with anyone at all. Yet, they tell Leader Apo to bear this burden and to develop the initiatives they desire.
Oppressed peoples, women, youths, socialists, and democrats are hoping that Leader Apo will develop democratic initiatives. But if there is no change in his conditions, if he cannot struggle freely, how can he fulfill these hopes and respond to the calls being made? This is impossible. They have tied Leader Apo’s hands and feet, thrown him into a pool, and are telling him to swim and move. How is he supposed to move? This is not possible. For Leader Apo to fulfill the expectations placed upon him, absolute isolation must end immediately. He must be free. Everyone should aim for Leader Apo’s physical freedom. The struggle must be conducted on this basis.
When Leader Apo gains physical freedom, he will then be able to communicate with the movement, with everyone, hold discussions, receive suggestions, and respond to expectations accordingly. But if his conditions are not improved, if no changes are made, if laws are not altered, and yet he is called upon to ensure that the guerrillas lay down their arms and that the PKK is dissolved, what does this mean? It means they do not actually want peace, nor do they want to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, and if there is no freedom, how can there be peace? Peace can only be achieved through freedom, yet they have closed off all paths to freedom. On one hand, they make calls for peace, and on the other, they continue the war, appoint trustees, arrest people, commit massacres, and bomb everywhere. Their language and actions make it clear that they do not want the war to end. If they truly wanted the war to end, they would change Leader Apo’s conditions. The İmralı system must be abolished.
In the past, we have seen examples in Ireland, the Spanish State, and even South Africa. Some steps were taken within the framework of certain procedures, such as unilateral or bilateral ceasefires, negotiations, dialogues, or disarmament. A clear process was defined. But the Turkish state insists only on disarmament and avoids discussing the issue itself. What does this approach of the Turkish state mean?
The Turkish state is currently terrorizing the Kurdish people. However, it portrays the situation as if the Kurds are the ones committing acts of terror. They turn everything upside down. In reality, the Kurdish people are under huge terror and annihilation attacks. The Kurdish people are fighting to defend themselves and to avoid extermination. If they have taken up arms, it is for this purpose—to defend themselves and to prevent the eradication of Kurds. It is not because we love weapons or war. The Kurdish people love democracy and freedom. Because they have never been able to live democratically and freely, they have always faced massacres, forced displacement, and insults. They have never experienced anything else.
Why doesn’t the Turkish state promote democracy? Because if democracy develops, the Kurds will benefit from it. The Kurds will express themselves and sustain their lives in this way. They will escape from massacres, assimilation, and forced migration. The Turkish state continuously implements policies of violence, war, and massacre to destroy the Kurdish people. At the same time, they profit from this and do not want to lose that advantage. This is why they terrorize the Kurdish people while portraying them as the ones committing terror. When they say ‘lay down your arms,’ this is what they mean.
Additionally, they try to create the perception that there is no Kurdish issue. They explicitly say in their statements, ‘There is no Kurdish issue, only a terrorism issue.’ They claim that if the PKK disarms, everything will be resolved. They do not acknowledge the Kurdish issue. When they usurp a Kurdish municipality, they immediately raise the Turkish flag. When they invaded Afrin and Serêkaniyê, they raised the Turkish flag. When they occupied Cyprus, they raised the Turkish flag. What does this mean? When a force occupies a place, it hoists its flag. Since the Turkish state does not recognize the Kurds as a people, it also does not recognize their rights. It only grants Kurds the right to death, massacres, and forced migration.
They say: ‘Either you give up being Kurdish, abandon your identity and humanity, become their slave, or if you insist on preserving your identity, language, culture, and will, then you are labeled as a terrorist.’ And once labeled a terrorist, they feel justified in doing anything to you. This is the policy they pursue. That is why they say, ‘The PKK must disband, they must lay down their arms, and then everything will be resolved.’ According to them, the Kurdish people have no rights.
If the PKK lays down its arms, will the issue be resolved? No, it will not. If Leader Apo makes a call, will the issue be resolved? No, it will not. But the Turkish state tries to portray it this way to deceive both society and the international community.
They want to say: ‘We fought against Apo, the PKK, and the free Kurds, and we succeeded. There is no longer an issue—only the matter of disarmament remains. Once the weapons are laid down, the problem will be solved.’ They want to deceive everyone in this way. Our people understand this very well. Socialists and democrats understand this very well. The Turkish state operates entirely on deception. This is how they maintain their power, both domestically and internationally.
Leader Apo wants to expose their reality and make sure everyone understands it. This is why the Turkish state is so angry. This is why they do not want the process that Leader Apo is trying to develop to advance. The AKP, in particular, is actively sabotaging it. Through their language and actions, they aim to humiliate and discredit the leadership in the eyes of the people, allies, and the movement. They want to weaken people’s faith in Leader Apo.
We must understand this very well and avoid reacting emotionally. We must grasp the foundation upon which Leader Apo is developing this historic initiative and focus on how to expand and succeed in it. We must support Leader Apo and the initiative he seeks to advance. If we do this, all the games being played will be disrupted.
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