KCK: The fundamental condition for the success of any process is the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan

The KCK Executive Council co-presidency released a statement to mark the 26th anniversary of the abduction of Abdullah Öcalan.

The statement said: “The conspiracy, which began on 9 October1998, and culminated with the abduction of Abdullah Öcalan on 15 February 1999, is one of the greatest and most ruthless attacks in human history in terms of its execution and objectives. The international conspiracy fundamentally aimed to put peoples against each other to maintain the rule of the capitalist modernity system in the Middle East. We strongly and vehemently condemn this conspiracy once again. 

Against this brutal conspiracy, we also remember with respect the martyrs who surrounded leader Öcalan with a circle of fire, demonstrating one of the most honorable acts in human history under the slogan ‘You Cannot Darken Our Sun.’ In their memory, we honor all revolutionaries and democracy martyrs with great respect and gratitude.”

The statement added: “Without comprehending this conspiracy, it is impossible to fully grasp the developments in the Middle East and the world. The powers involved in this process, from global capitalist forces like the U.S. to various actors, expose this reality. This is undoubtedly linked to the developments sparked by Öcalan and the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle. One of the main pillars of the Middle Eastern status quo, established through the Sykes-Picot Agreement during World War I, was the partition of Kurdistan and the genocide of Kurds. Until the emergence of the PKK and the growth of the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle, this plan functioned seamlessly within the capitalist modernity system. However, the growth of the Kurdish struggle disrupted this plan, rendering it inoperable, shaking the foundations of the century-old Middle Eastern status quo, and making it unsustainable. This was the beginning of the crisis of the monolithic, genocidal nation-state system in the Middle East and the awakening of the region’s peoples, particularly the Kurds.”

The KCK underlined that “the restructuring of the Middle East on the agenda today is a direct result of this historical development. Unable to maintain the existing status quo, the forces of capitalist modernity have now prioritized the reorganization of the region, a process that continues as part of the Third World War. However, just as in the past, capitalist modernity forces are reshaping the Middle East with their own interests in mind, rather than considering the peoples’ demands for freedom and democracy. They perceive the Kurdistan Freedom Movement as an obstacle to their interests and have therefore sought to eliminate it. The international conspiracy was orchestrated with this goal in mind. This clearly shows that the February 15 conspiracy targeted the struggle for peoples’ freedom and the hope for a democratic Middle East.

Recognizing this at the time, Öcalan decided to go to Europe to remove the Kurdish question from the conflict-ridden framework and promote its democratic resolution, thereby disrupting the global game being played. He believed that Europe’s democratic tradition could contribute to resolving the Kurdish issue democratically and that a democratic solution to the Kurdish question would also open new avenues for Europe itself. However, as is well known, events did not unfold as he had hoped. 

Over the past 26 years of struggle against the international conspiracy, significant developments have taken place in Kurdistan and the Middle East that have altered the course of history. The Kurdish people and the Kurdish Freedom Movement have undergone a process of restructuring around the new ideas developed by leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] in Imrali. Questioning all forms of state-centric, power-driven, and hegemonic thinking, the Kurdish movement has experienced a revolution in consciousness, morality, and culture. This intellectual and moral strength has allowed it to transcend itself, garnering the support of women, the peoples of the Middle East, and eventually the world, becoming their beacon of hope. In doing so, it has succeeded in neutralizing and invalidating one of the darkest, most ruthless, and largest conspiracies in history.”

The KCK pointed out the “Global Freedom Initiative, launched on 10 October 2023,” saying it “played a crucial and historic role in thwarting the international conspiracy. The resistance of the world’s peoples and democratic forces against the oppressive and genocidal schemes of capitalist powers has had profound and historical consequences. Through the Global Freedom Initiative, not only was the conspiracy defeated, but the first global steps toward building a democratic life around Öcalan’s paradigm were also taken. It can now be said that the darkness has been shattered, and the bright face of the sun has emerged. The new sun that will rise will illuminate and warm us all. 

Now it is known that Leader Apo intends to initiate a new process. For years, he has been striving to end the conflict and open the path to democratic politics. However, we are also aware that his efforts have consistently been obstructed by forces, both internal and external, opposed to democratization and freedom. Now, in a period when the Middle Eastern status quo is collapsing, balances are shifting, and restructuring is on the agenda, leader Apo’s initiative holds a greater potential for impact than ever before. As seen in Gaza and Syria, interventions by capitalist modernity forces in the Middle East have not been constructive; instead, they have caused deeper suffering and exacerbated crises. The only serious and well-prepared actor capable of overcoming this deadlock is leader Apo. His model of a democratic nation offers the best solution for resolving the Kurdish issue and transforming Kurdistan from a battlefield into a zone of peace, as well as for addressing broader Middle Eastern crises. Furthermore, leader Apo’s democratic modernity framework represents the most viable path for a free and democratic life, opening new horizons for socialism.”

The KCK said: “We can confidently say that the success of the process leader Apo seeks to develop will yield profound results in today’s world. It will initiate the construction of a democratic society both in the Middle East and globally. Undoubtedly, the fundamental condition for this process to succeed is leader Apo’s freedom. With this awareness, the struggle must be intensified, placing leader Apo’s freedom at its center. 

To create this historical transformation, we call on the Kurdish people, the peoples of the Middle East and the world, women, progressive humanity, and all those fighting for democracy and freedom to support the process that leader Apo seeks to develop, to take a stand against the forces attempting to hinder it, and to struggle even more. Furthermore, we once again emphasize that the forces involved in the international conspiracy must abandon their stance, cease their opposition to the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom, and respect the will of the Kurdish people.”



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