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‘We will defend Deir ez-Zor at all costs’
According to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), 13 civilians have been killed and twelve others injured in attacks by Syrian regime troops in Deir ez-Zor since Tuesday evening. In addition to regular army units and the Difa al-Watani regime militia, pro-Iranian mercenaries are also responsible for the massacre. The SDF responded with counter-attacks and fierce fighting broke out. Xebat Şiêttî from the command of the Hajin Military Council and the SDF fighter Cezrawî Dêrazor spoke to ANF about the attacks.
Xebat Şiêttî stated that the attack was very extensive. “The troops of the Damascus government and the gangs of Difa al-Watani have massively bombed our positions. There was also an attempted infiltration on the ground. The Hajin Military Council repelled the attackers, who then retreated to the other bank of the Euphrates. The government troops and Difa al-Watani are not interested in the people and the land. They are selling their own country and land. The SDF are opposing these attacks and fighting for the safety of the population in the region. If there are further attacks, we will respond with full force. We will defend our territories at all costs.”
‘The attacks have no connection with the tribes’
Pointing out that the attacks that took place have no connection with the tribes in the region, Xebat Şiêttî said, “The attacks carried out by the Damascus government and Dîfa al-Watanî gangs definitely do not represent the tribes. The tribes, especially those in Deir ez-Zor, reacted strongly to these attacks and once again renewed their allegiance and loyalty to the SDF” and expressed that the tribes are in favour of the SDF.
‘We will always be ready for any attack’
Noting that attacks took place from Busayra to Tayanê, Şennan, Şiêtat, Xeranîç, Xebat Şiêttî concluded his speech as follows: “These attacks are directly targeting the people of Deir ez-Zor and aim to intimidate the people. Dozens of citizens were killed and injured as a result of the attacks. Our people trust the SDF and know that they will achieve victory with the SDF. The commitment of the people to SDF honours and strengthens us. In this context, we resist these attacks to protect our people and our lands. We will always be ready for any attack.”
‘The aim is to disrupt our territorial integrity and to eliminate the existing stability and peace’
SDF fighter Cezrawî Dêrazor, who was present in the Abu Hemam district of Deir ez-Zor during the attack of the Damascus government forces and Dîfa al-Watanî, said: “Regime soldiers and Dîfa al-Watanî gangs attacked Abu Hemam district. As SDF fighters, we responded to these attacks. The people, especially women and children, were directly targeted in the attacks. The aim of these attacks is to disrupt our territorial integrity and to eliminate the existing stability and peace. We promise our people that we will always be ready to protect them. We will resist and protect our people until the end. We will not back down in any way.”