Protest against mining project in Hasandin: We will not sacrifice this place to economic rent

A rally was held in Hasandin Plateau in Kulp district of Amed (Diyarbakır) against the mining project that will negatively affect 6 neighbourhoods and dozens of hamlets. Hundreds of people including members of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), representatives of civil society organisations, co-mayors of municipalities and ecologists attended the rally organised by Istanbul Association of Kulp Residents (KULP-DER) and Pasûr (Kulp) Hasandin Plateau Protection Platform.

Speaking at the rally, Ahmet Inan, a member of the Environment Commission of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, stated that water resources were being dried up by mining activities and warned that the mines would harm the livelihood of the people and the environment.

Diyarbakır City Protection and Solidarity Platform Co-spokesperson and Diyarbakır Bar Association President Nahit Eren said, “Here, in Kulp, we used to meet our fish needs from the river, now there is none left. We will no longer allow this plunder. The people of this plateau are coming together and claiming their plateau. We know that the chemicals used in the mining work to be carried out here will poison the Tigris River, which runs throughout Mesopotamia. We are here to protect our future. We will keep watch here every day if necessary. We will not sacrifice this place to economic rent.”

Ayten Ateş said, “This is our life. We were born here. We will not give our parents’ place to anyone,” while Behzat Cengiz said, “If a mine enters here, it means our extinction.”