YJA Star guerrillas carry out several attacks on Turkish occupation forces in South Kurdistan

The Free Women’s Units (YJA Star) guerrillas have carried out several attacks on soldiers of the Turkish army in South Kurdistan and prevented the occupation forces from advancing further into strategic guerrilla areas. As the Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) announced on Friday, women’s guerrilla took action against enemy military forces in both Zap and Heftanîn over the past two days.

According to the HPG, the YJA Star prevented the installation of a camera surveillance system in the Girê Cûdî resistance area on the western front of the Zap region by attacking with heavy weapons. In nearby Girê Amêdî, guerrillas opened fire on an excavator vehicle that was being used to expand the occupation forces’ military infrastructure. The action in Heftanîn was reportedly directed against an army guard in Kiryareş, which was also attacked with heavy weapons.

The HPG also reported two guerrilla actions in the Metîna region. In Golka, military positions were targeted, resulting in the serious damage of two of them. In Serê Metîna, a helicopter flying over the resistance areas was fired upon. The aircraft then had to turn around and withdraw from the region.

Attacks by the Turkish army

With regard to the attacks by the Turkish army, the HPG reported that between 23 and 25 July, at least 25 air strikes by fighter jets were recorded in various areas of South Kurdistan. Ten of these attacks targeted areas in Heftanîn, and another eight affected the Garê region. More bombs fell five and two times in Zap and Qendîl, respectively. The town of Zergelê was affected here, among others. In Girê Bahar in the western Zap section, the HPG also registered several bombings by helicopters on Wednesday.