ADGB calls on the Kurds in Europe to join protests to embrace the HDP

The European Democratic Forces Union (ADGB) has called for protests against the AKP-MHP fascism under the motto “We will not allow the closure of HDP, we will defeat fascism together”.

“The AKP-MHP fascist alliance continues its purge operations against workers and laborers, the Kurdish people and all the oppressed people. The fascist alliance has been going through a crisis to maintain its rule and thus escalates state terror. The legal apparatus of fascism is currently seeking to close down the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which has frustrated fascist attacks with its revolutionary-democratic politics, at the request of fascist strongman Erdoğan and his partner Bahçeli,” the ADGB said in a written statement on Thursday.


“The attacks of fascism against the pro-democracy revolutionary forces are not new. Parties that had promoted democratic politics before the HDP and fought for a freer and more democratic life for all nations and beliefs, workers and laborers, women and youth were closed down myriad times in Turkey and Kurdistan. Party closures have not ended the crisis of fascism, nor have they diminished the struggle of our peoples. On the contrary, all colours of Turkey and Kurdistan have started to hammer the strongholds of fascism by creating a party like the HDP.

The HDP which launched the strongest resistance against the “one-man regime” that fascism wanted to introduce as a new period policy, and rallied millions around itself has become the target of new attacks. Dozens of lawmakers including HDP’s former co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ were arrested and put into the prisons of fascism. Hundreds of elected co-mayors were arrested, and trustees have been appointed to dozens of municipalities. Currently, there are over ten thousand HDP members and activists held in Turkey’s prisons.

The AKP-MHP fascist government is expanding its political genocide attacks over the HDP to include all segments of society. Even the bourgeois opposition groups that defy the palace regime get their share of persecution from these attacks. The government is trying to eliminate the organization and struggle of the citizens. As democratic mass organizations, media outlets and university clubs are being closed, the oppressed are being completely banned from taking to the streets.”


“We call on all local progressive and anti-fascist internationalist forces which promote democracy and human rights, especially migrants from Turkey and Kurdistan living in Europe and in different cities of the world to embrace the HDP against the closure attack of palace fascism. We also invite them to attend mass rallies and marches on Saturday September 18 under the motto “We will not allow the closure of HDP, we will defeat fascism together.”