HBDH militias block highway in Istanbul

The Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement (HDBH) Militias released a statement including the details of their latest action, saying, “On 14 September 2021 at around 22.30, our forces blocked Tuzla-Tepe Ören highway in Tuzla/Istanbul for the purpose of propaganda. Our militias enlightened the highway with torches and exposed the 12 September Coup and AKP-MHP fascism.”

The statement continued, “Today, the 12 September fascist coup continues with Erdogan’s fascist power. As we smashed the darkness of the 12 September in dungeons and streets, we will also bring down the power of fascist Erdogan with our actions today.

The 12 September coup is an organisation of exploitation and colonialism against the working class and oppressed peoples. Today, such policies are being implemented by the current fascist power. The darkness organised on 12 September is today facing the birth pangs of sunrise. HDBH is the dawn of the bright days to rise.

Necdet Adalı, İbrahim Ethem Coşkun, Ali Aktaş, Mazlum Doğan, Kemal Pir and all revolutionaries, who became a torch for our united revolutionary struggle in the dungeons of 12 September, are the trigger power of our actions.

This action carried out by our militias was dedicated to all immortal revolutionaries who became a torch against the darkness of 12 September.

Our militia forces left the area safely, and successfully ended the action.”