New provocation planned against HDP headquarters in Ankara

A new provocation is planned in front of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) headquarters in Ankara. Following the pattern of the siege of the HDP headquarters in Amed by provocateurs, often family members of guerrilla fighters blackmailed or paid by the state to reclaim “their children” from the HDP, a similar state-directed propaganda action is now intended to take place in front of the HDP party headquarters in Ankara. Mehmet Laçin, notorious for his fascist conspiracy theories, set out from Izmir and announced that he will now pitch his tent in front of the HDP headquarters in Ankara.

The fascist murder of Deniz Poyraz took place during his “vigil” in front of the party headquarters in Izmir. Laçin spread allegations in the Turkish state press that the murder of HDP member Deniz Poyraz was an HDP conspiracy. He claimed that a Turkish fascist had entered the building and brutally murdered Poyraz. Laçin repeatedly states that his daughter, who joined the guerrillas, was “kidnapped by the HDP” and that his greatest wish was “to see her in a wedding dress.” Laçin has since arrived in Ankara. There was a large police contingent in front of the HDP party headquarters. Representatives of the HDP were also waiting in the building on Wednesday.

The vigils are not simple protest actions, but have the character of a means of psychological warfare. The state has apparently tried to create a fascist counterpart to the peace mothers. The peace mothers are mothers of fallen guerrilla fighters and, in some cases, soldiers who advocate peace and a political solution. In Amed (tr. Diyarbakir). Members of the “vigils” systematically threaten and harass visitors to the HDP building under police protection. In some cases, they even physically assault visitors, resulting in their arrest. These so-called “vigils” serve to paralyze the work of the HDP.

“We will not allow a tent of provocateurs”

Against this background, the HDP executive board said, “We will not allow any tent of provocateurs.” The statement said: “It has been known for more than two years that provocations are intended to be carried out in front of our party buildings with the support of the dirty propaganda of the government and the police. One of these provocations led to the assassination of our party member Deniz Poyraz in Izmir. The power centers within the government, which has lost its social legitimacy, are trying to manipulate the people and are preparing the ground for attacks on our party. We define these provocations not only as attacks on our party but also against democracy as a whole. Unable to fight the power of our party, the government creates discourses that have nothing to do with reality, trying to hide its own responsibility.”

The HDP characterizes Laçin as a person reportedly involved in the attack on the HDP association in Izmir in which Deniz Poyraz was murdered. According to the statement, he had been scouting the building. The HDP therefore sees a great potential threat behind sending Laçin in front of the HDP building in Ankara; “The AKP/MHP alliance that is pushing the attacks against our party should know that we will never allow this tent, organized with the support of the police, to be set up in front of our party headquarters.”

“Defend the HDP”

The statement concluded, “The attacks on our party are directed against the democratic struggle in Turkey. In order to defend democracy and peace, we call on all peoples and party members to stand in the way of this dirty plan and defend the HDP even more.”