People of Sherawa: We will resist the attacks carried out by Turkey and its mercenaries

The invading Turkish state and its mercenaries bombed Sherawa in Afrin every day. Dozens of civilians have lost their lives due to the bombardment. Speaking about the attacks, the people living in Sherawa said that they would not stop resisting.

Mihemed Mamo, a citizen living in the village of Soxanekê in Sherawa, told ANHA: “The aim of the mercenaries is to evacuate our region, to make people migrate. We will not give them this satisfaction. We will not allow the Turkish state to bring the Ottomans back to these lands. As their brutality grows, our resistance will grow. We will not leave our village.”

Roşîn Mamo, who lives in the same village, added: “We will continue to resist the attacks of the Turkish state. The purpose of the mercenaries is to force us out of our houses. We will not let them achieve their goals. We chose to resist the attacks. We will not stop resisting. Even if we have to live in basements and caves, we will not leave this place.”

Sherawa Council co-chair, Henîf Seydo, said that the daily bombardment puts the lives of the people in danger and added that the people continue to resist despite everything. Seydo argued that the plans of the enemy were frustrated.