Refugees from Afrin protest UNICEF for reducing water supplies

UNICEF, which provides drinking water to hundreds of thousands of refugees from Afrin in Shehba, has recently decided to reduce the amount of water delivered. On the one hand, the refugees, who were forced to leave Afrin in March 2018, following the invasion by Turkey, have to resist the embargo of the Damascus government. On the other hand, they stand against the ongoing attacks carried out by the Turkish state. The decision to reduce the provision of water taken by UNICEF was met with dismay by the refugees.

Mihemed Elo, one of the administrators of Afrin People’s Municipality, told ANHA that UNICEF’s decision has doubled the difficulties experienced by refugees after the dry summer season, and that the municipality is trying to minimize the problems experienced by the people by carrying water with tankers. Pointing to the difficulties of extracting groundwater, Elo said that due to the embargo by the Damascus government, they could not obtain diesel to run the pumps.

Inviting UNICEF to review its decision, Elo stated that thousands of refugees are in serious need of water.

The women staying in Serdem Camp also criticized UNICEF, emphasizing that the temperatures reached record levels this year, increasing the need for water. The refugees underlined that they will not stop resisting until they return to Afrin.