Kurdistan Human Rights Association: 5 kolbars killed and 36 wounded in August

The Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK) published its report on the rights violations in the Kurdish regions of Iran for the month of August. The report said that the discriminatory policies of the Iranian regime against the Kurds continued in August and that basic human rights were violated.

The report added that Iran had executed 6 people in Kurdish cities for alleged drug-related charges and underlined that detentions and arrests continued in Urmia, Sanandaj, Kermanshah, Mahabad, Khorramabad, Ilam, Hamedan and Loristan. The report also said that Iran arbitrarily arrested 48 people. Four of them went on hunger strike to protest the arrest.

Attacks against kolbars, people who trade on the border line for a living, also continue, with at least 5 kolbars killed and 36 injured in August.

The number of suicides is increasing, especially among young people and women.
At least 6 people committed suicide, including 2 girls under 18.