Turkish-linked mercenaries kidnap 5 wise men from the al-Bu Esaf tribe in Girê Spî

According to ANHA, mercenaries from the so called “Military Police” kidnapped 5 wise men in the town of Elî Baciliyê in Girê Spî.

ANHA said that wise men Mihsin Xelîl Xelef El-Hesan, Mistefa Hesan Xelef El-Hesan, Îsamîl Serhan El-Xelef, Serhan El-Elî Selama and Ehmed Hisên Semio were abducted by the invading Turkish state and its mercenaries on Wednesday. Sheikh Mihsin Xelîl Xelef El-Hesan is the brother of Ubayd El-Hesan, who was murdered in 2019.

The wise men were abducted as they did not attend a statement made in support of Turkish-linked mercenaries.