Kongreya Star Aleppo Coordination hold its annual meeting

Kongreya Star Aleppo Coordination held its annual meeting with the slogan “We will destroy the occupation with the spirit of resistance of Martyr Sosin, we will secure the freedom of Leader Öclan “. The meeting held at the Star Laghat Hall in the Shiqeyêf region was attended by Kongreya Star spokeswoman Remziye Mihemed, Shehba, Aleppo women’s office representatives, Eşrefiye and Şêxmeqsud civil society organizations and political party representatives.

Kongreya Star Spokesperson Remziye Mihemed drew attention to the demographic change, massacre and war crimes in the regions under the occupation of the invading Turkish state. Referring to the Kurdish struggle, Remziye Mihemed said: “The Kurdish struggle has entered a historical period with the development of the Kurdish movement in the political, military and diplomatic fields. The Turkish state’s attack on the Rojava regions and, recently, in Til Temir, which resulted in the martyrdom of fighter Sosin Birhat, is aimed at all Kurdish women. The aim of this attack is to destroy the gains in Northern and Eastern Syria and the Kurdistan Freedom Movement.”

Mihemed added: “Women’s resistance is remarkable for the whole world. That’s why the Turkish state targets women. Because the revolution progressed with women leading it. They target women to destroy the revolution and break women’s will.”

Kurdish language teacher Zekiye Eli Önder read Abdullah Öcalan’s evaluations on women. Teacher Zilan Şêxo read the annual report of Kongreya Star.

Afterwards, the delegates evaluated the organizational situation and underlined that women should be educated and know their history.

At the end of the meeting, the annual plan was compiled.

The plan includes the following points:

-The isolation in the Imrali prison should be broken and actions for Leader Abdullah Öcalan should be increased.

-Closed and open training cycles should be started at the Kongreya Star academy and lessons on the special war should be given in these trainings. Education should also be given to the public.

-Training cycles for men regarding patriarchal mentality should be opened.

-Work in the neighbourhood should be carried out within the framework of Kongreya Star.

Visits to the people should be increased.

-The book and the defenses of Leader Abdullah Öcalan should continue to be read.

-Sewing lessons and support training should be opened.

-Classes must be opened for weapon training.

– A kindergarten should be opened in the western neighbourhood of Şêxmeqsûd.

– A comprehensive meeting should be organized for guerrillas’ mothers.

– Kurdish language education should continue in communes and institutions.