Names of Metîna martyrs published

The press center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) announced that guerrilla fighters Jiyan Agir Mûş, Destîna Fîraz Kobanê and Azad Êrîş were martyred in the Metîna region of southern Kurdistan on August 15. As the HPG had reported earlier on August 16, the guerrillas carried out a successful infiltration of a military camp on Girê Koordinê the day before. Seven members of the Turkish invading forces were killed in the action. Following the action, the area was bombed by the Turkish army. In the process, the three fighters fell as martyrs.

Nom de Guerre:  Jiyan Agir Mûş

First-Last Name: Canan Gündoğdu

Birthplace: Muş

Mother’s-Father’s Name: Şükran – Selim

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 15. August 2021 / Metîna


Nom de Guerre: Destîna Fîraz Kobanê

First-Last Name: Nazê Şêx Ebdê

Birthplace: Kobanê

Mother’s-Father’s Name: Xezal – Abdulgafur

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 15. August 2021 / Metîna


Nom de Guerre: Azad Êrîş

First-Last Name: Serhat Kurt

Birthplace: Van

Mother’s-Father’s Name: Songül – Osman

Date and Place of Martyrdom:15. August 2021 / Metîna

Jiyan was born in Muş. Her family was patriotic and had to leave Kurdistan due to oppression by the Turkish state. Jiyan grew up in a city in Turkey and became active in the Kurdish youth movement. In the 2015/2016 urban war in Northern Kurdistan, she went to Gever (tr. Yüksekova) and participated in the defense of the town. Afterwards, she joined the guerrillas. Most recently, she fought in the Cenga Xabûrê offensive against the Turkish invasion.



Destîna was born in Kobanê and got to know the Kurdish liberation movement as a child. Under the impression of the successful defense of Kobanê against ISIS in 2014/2015, she decided to join the guerrillas and continue the fight of the martyrs. In the mountains, she underwent ideological and military training and was involved in numerous actions against the Turkish army.



Azad came from Van and grew up in a patriotic environment where there was a great closeness to the Kurdish movement. As a child he heard the stories of the brave martyrs of the liberation struggle, and he joined the guerrillas in Botan in 2017. He fought in different areas and was part of the first guerrilla group that dealt devastating blows to the enemy at the beginning of the Turkish invasion in Metîna.



HPG expressed its condolences to the families of martyrs and the Kurdish people and vowed to continue the struggle of the martyrs for freedom and against the Turkish occupation.
