Rojava women in Europe organize themselves under the name of Kongreya Star Ewrûpa

The umbrella organization of the women’s movement in Northern and Eastern Syria is organizing itself in Europe with the name Kongreya Star-Ewrûpa. The founding congress took place in Dortmund.

Delegates from all parts of Kurdistan attended the congress held with the slogan: “The women’s revolution is the guarantee for a free life”.

The siege of large parts of Rojava by the terrorist organization Islamic State and the intensive war experienced as a result of the invasion attacks carried out by Turkey has led to a mass exodus from the autonomous areas of Northern and Eastern Syria. Many of the refugees are women. But even in exile, they hold steady to their principles and to their need to create a new life rooted in the collective organization of women based on ecology, democracy and gender liberation.


The organization of women from Northern and Eastern Syria in Europe has so far been achieved through the Rojava Women’s Committee. The formation of a second umbrella organization is an essential step for the activists of Kongreya Star-Ewrûpa on their way to a united movement of women from Rojava and the rest of Kurdistan.

After the council election, Kurdish politicians Zozan Derik and Dilşah Osman delivered the opening speeches.

Then Asya Abdullah, coordinating member of Kongreya Star in Northeast Syria, said: “Rojava is still threatened by a comprehensive and multifaceted destruction concept. But if we assume that this condition is limited to Rojava, we are mistaken. We are facing a comprehensive annihilation war targeting our people, the divided Kurdistan and our achievements.”

Where there is life, there are women

Abdullah added: “Supported by international forces, the goal is to destroy the paradigm of Abdullah Öcalan as a viable alternative to the current system. In practice, this war is currently taking place in the Medya Defense Areas, but the attacks on Rojava – whether air strikes or cultural genocide – are also ongoing. Our communities are being destroyed, we are faced with a creeping genocide. As Kurdish women we have to defend ourselves against this concept of denial and annihilation.”

Abdullah continued: “The resistance of women is perpetual, as are their hopes. Where there is life, there is a woman. This thought must lead the way when considering and analysing the places in our regions that are particularly affected by the war.”

Strong women’s organization means liberation

Activist Zeynep Dersim from the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E) addressed the situation of women in the areas of Northern Syria occupied by Turkey and mercenaries.


“The women in Afrin are still waiting to be liberated. If we succeed in a strong organization in Europe, it will pave the way for us to liberate Afrin and all other oppressed cities in Kurdistan. As long as Rojava and the rest of Kurdistan are not free, we cannot rest,” said Dersim.

After the congress, the 37-member council of Kongra Star Ewropa was elected and 11 people were assigned to the Coordination of Kongra Star Ewropa.
