‘Afrin people should return to their homes under international assurance’

In the northern Syrian city of Afrin, which has been occupied by the Turkish state and allied gangs for almost three and a half years, civilians continue to be targeted by the occupiers. Despite all the crimes committed in the region, the so-called Kurdish National Council (ENKS), which is led by the Turkish state and Turkish press, still strives to encourage Afrin immigrants to return to their homes.

Valentine Ebdo, co-chair of Sheikh Maqsoud and Ashrafiyah Council, assessed this deceptive propaganda and said, “The Turkish state and ENKS try to deceive the Kurdish people. Manipulating the facts in Afrin, they try to lead the immigrants to return to Afrin, only for their own interests. Many immigrants, who were deceived and returned to Afrin, have been forced to pay ransom or kidnapped. ENKS tries to whitewash the Turkish state’s crimes. However, these crimes are too big to be hidden.”

Recalling that 30 people were kidnapped from Afrin in the last month, Valentine Ebdo continued, “During the meetings held in South Kurdistan, the ruling KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) discussed this issue with the Syrian Opposition Front and ENKS. They all seek ways to hide the Turkish state’s crimes.”

Calling upon Afrin people to be cautious against the propaganda of ENKS, Valentine Ebdo underlined that Afrin IDPs should return to their homes under international assurance.