Martyr Muwefeq Bekir (Delil Cudi) and Cabir El Ali laid to rest in Hesekê

Military Discipline member Muwefeq Bekir (Delil Cûdî) and Self-Defense Forces member Cabir El Ali were laid to rest with a ceremony held at Martyr Dijwar Cemetery in Hesekê.

The funeral started with a minute’s silence and a military ceremony. Making a speech on behalf of Military Discipline, Commander Umer Esaf said: “Our martyrs represent hope and freedom for us. They have ensured that we live in peace and security. Thanks to them, we liberated these lands from the gangs of the Turkish state.”

Speaking on behalf of the Martyrs’ Families Council, Ehmed Esad condemned the invasion attacks of the Turkish state and said that they would increase the struggle for the liberation of the occupied lands.

Member of the Martyrs’ Families Council, Rojda Ehmed, read the martyrs’ certificates and delivered them to their families.