National Initiative for Afrin established in Germany

The National Initiative for Afrin has announced the final declaration of its founding congress which was held on August 22 in Bonn, Germany. The initiative said that they will endeavour to have the Turkish state stand trial before international courts for the crimes of genocide committed against the people on Mount Kurmênc (Afrin).

“The National Initiative for Afrin held its founding meeting in Bonn, Germany today. 80 activists, intellectuals, academics and journalists from Afrin, who are also members of various initiatives living abroad, attended the meeting. The initiative was founded in Bonn, Germany on August 22, 2021 and was named the ‘National Initiative for Afrin’ by the vote of its members. The Initiative’s activities, decision making process and voting method were discussed at its founding meeting. In the meantime, the Initiative’s final declaration was approved by the participants and the suggestions made by the members were reviewed. The participants confirmed the initiative logo developed by the preparatory committee,” the statement said.

The statement also included the following:

“The initiative has framed recommendations and decisions to denounce the invading Turkish state’s crimes against the people, women, children, nature and historical places on Mount Kurmênc (Afrin). We will work to take those who committed genocide in Afrin to the international courts. The participants assumed the responsibility of helping those who migrated from Afrin within the bounds of possibility. They stated that they would send international humanitarian organizations and non-partisan broadcasting organizations to Afrin and Shehba to monitor the situation closely and explain the facts.

The participants further stated that they will stand against local and regional institutions that justify the occupation of the Turkish state and its mercenaries in order to serve the cause of the people of Afrin. An international campaign will be carried out for a safe return of the Afrin immigrants.

An executive council consisting of 13 people was established at the end of the meeting. The executive council will form diplomatic, legal, cultural and financial committees. The committee will publish texts to explain the Afrin case based on its articles and plan for the execution of its activities.”