‘We are prepared against conspiracies’

The invading Turkish state and allied gangs continue to conduct invasion attacks against North and East Syria. Carrying out a new atrocity every day, the Turkish state has slaughtered tens of civilians, including women and children.

Mihemed Tirki Soan, an opinion leader of the Sebxe tribe in Raqqa region, spoke to ANHA on the latest attacks on North-East Syria. Remarking that the Turkish state and its gangs intend to annihilate the Autonomous Administration, he called the attacks an international conspiracy. Local people do not want to fight anyone, said Soan, and noted that they are always prepared to defend themselves against any kind of attack.

Pointing out that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) stand for all peoples in the region, Soan remarked that the tribes in the region stand with the SDF with all their strength. He also remarked that Russia does not fulfil the responsibilities of a guarantor state, and on the contrary, it has taken a major role in the conspiracies against Syria. Indicating the unity of North-East Syrian peoples, Soan expressed that the Autonomous Administration never favours any people; without any exception for Kurds, Arabs or Syriacs. He said, “Everyone living in these lands is ready to die for the sake of their lands”, and underlined that nobody can break their willpower.