Kurdistan Digital Media Council established

The Kurdistan Digital Media Council was established by Kurds living in many parts of the world and in the four parts of Kurdistan and brought together journalists, politicians and activists. The aim of the Kurdistan Digital Media Council is to build a new position in the freedom struggle, as was explained at a press conference.

The statement said that the aim of the Digital Media Council “will be fighting together with all the peoples of the world who have rebelled against injustice and we will build a strong bridge of solidarity.


The Kurdistan Digital Media Council is the organization of assemblies based on a democratic, ecological and women’s libertarian paradigm, where everyone who defends democratic values and wants to take a stand against capitalist modernity discusses and decides together.”

The statement added: “We are the voice of the Freedom Movement which has been fighting against colonialism and fascism for more than forty years, in digital media. We are the digital media spokespeople of the struggle for the freedom of Bakur, Başur and Rojhilat. The path opened by the Rojava Revolution for all humanity is the guide of the Kurdistan Digital Media Assembly. Kurdish peoples’ leader Abdullah Öcalan’s democratic-ecological and free women’s paradigm is the force that will shed light on our action in digital media.”

The press release called on everyone who wants to turn digital media into a platform of resistance, to increase this will and take part in the new council. “This invitation is to make the voice of the Kurdish people who are fighting for freedom to be heard even more strongly. This invitation is to stop the colonial lies, the manipulations of fascism, the special war machines that deceive the people. This invitation is to transfer the freedom resistance going on to digital media.”