KCDK-E calls for mobilization against Turkey’s attacks on Yazidis in Shengal

“The genocidal Turkish state continues its invasion and massacre attempts in Kurdistan,” said the European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) Co-Presidency Council in a written statement on the Turkish state’s latest wave of deadly attacks against the Yazidi town of Shengal (Sinjar) in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).


“The Yazidi Kurds who were massacred by the barbarian ISIS group in 2014, are currently faced with a further massacre and genocide,” said the statement and continued: “The genocidal Turkish state which aims at the massacre of the whole Kurdish people threatens the Yazidi Kurds who wish to establish a free future in Shengal. It has shown its brutal-barbaric face to the world in an airstrike which hit a hospital where coronavirus patients are treated.

Numerous people were injured and martyred following the bombing of hospital in the village of Sikêniyê, in the south of Shengal. The people who were trying to save the wounded were also targeted in another bombing by the bloody Turkish army. This hideous drone attack prevented the local people from rescuing the wounded who remained under the hospital debris.


Yazidi mothers cursed the fascist dictator Erdogan. They also slammed the international powers which ignore the genocidal massacre against Shengal. Furthermore, last night, a child was killed and another was injured during the bombing of Zirgan, in the Hesekê Canton of North and East Syria.

The target of the fascist Turkish state, which continues to carry out invasions and massacres that pose a huge threat in the whole of Kurdistan, is the people and geography of Kurdistan. It targets children, women and the elderly.

Massacres are being carried out in Sengal, Rojava, Bashur and Kurdistan in front of the eyes of the world in an age when people have instant access to information world-wide. The Turkish state is perpetrating massacres against the Kurdish people, taking courage from the silence of international institutions and forces, as is the case with the isolation in Imrali prison.

It should be known that genocidal policies and massacres will not prevent the people of Kurdistan from marching to freedom and gaining status.

The resistance against colonialism should be expanded everywhere by embracing the land, language, culture and national values ​​of our people more than ever against the genocidal invasion attacks and massacres of the fascist Turkish state. Only in this way can we claim Kurdistan and our future.

It is a grave mistake to look, to watch, to remain silent and to seek other liberators. Silence means approval of the massacres of the fascist Turkish state. Being indifferent is incompatible with patriotism, human values and moral standards. We can only break the silence of the world and prevent further massacres that the colonial Turkish state wants to carry out in Kurdistan through more struggle and more dedication together with our friends.

As the KCDK-E, we urge all humanity and the public together with the people of Kurdistan to raise their voices against the massacres in Shengal and Kurdistan just as in Kobanê, against the massacre policies of the dictator Erdoğan.

As the KCDK-E, we call on all international institutions, including the United Nations, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, to break their silence and to comply with universal law and values. We call on all these institutions to do their basic duties and oppose the genocidal policies of the Turkish state in Kurdistan. We also call on the Iraqi government and the Southern Kurdistan regional government to abandon their collaborative policies with Turkey.

As the KCDK-E, we call for mobilization and increased struggle against the dictator Erdogan regime wherever we, as the people of Kurdistan and their friends, are against the ongoing threats of genocide.”