Three guerrillas martyred in Botan

The press center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) has published the names of three fallen guerrillas, stating: “In April and May, battles between the occupiers and our forces took place during operations of the Turkish army in the Kela Memê area in Botan. Due to the effective intervention of our forces, many occupants were killed and injured. In view of the legendary struggle of our companions, the Turkish army could not achieve any results and withdrew a bit from the operation area. After that, the areas where our companions were located were bombed massively. In these bombardments, our companions Şervan, Dilxwaz and Ronî fell as martyrs.”

Nom de Guerre: Şervan Egîd
First-Last Name: Hatip Kılıç
Birthplace: Muş
Mother’s-Father’s Name: Emine – Resul
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 19 May 2021 / Botan


Nom de Guerre: Dilxwaz Bingöl
First-Last Name: Huşmend Adak
Birthplace: Hewreman
Mother’s-Father’s Name: Mîna – Abît
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 19 May 2021 / Botan


Nom de Guerre: Ronî Çiyager
First-Last Name: Adnan Doğan
Birthplace: Mardin
Mother’s-Father’s Name: Zümrüt – Abdurrahman
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 23 April 2021 / Botan



Şervan Egîd was born in Varto district of Muş. His family was patriotic and the Kurdish liberation struggle increasingly became a mass movement in the Serhat region when Şervan Egîd also became acquainted with the PKK and became involved in the youth movement during his studies. He joined the armed struggle when ISIS attacked Rojava with Turkish support. He participated in numerous offensives against ISIS in northeastern Syria, taking on important roles. He then went to Botan in the mountains to join the guerrillas.


Dilxwaz Bingöl was born in Hawraman in Eastern Kurdistan and grew up in the mountains with the region’s Neolithic-influenced culture. He hardly knew the PKK, but when friends of his joined the guerrillas, he followed them. In the guerrilla, he intensively studied the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan and learned the Kurdish dialect Kurmancî within a short time. At his own request, he eventually went to Botan because he also wanted to get to know northern Kurdistan and its people.



Ronî Çiyager was born in Mardin and grew up in a patriotic environment. Even as a child, the legendary guerrilla commanders from the region became his role models. He was active in the Kurdish civil movement for a while and took to the mountains at the time of the urban resistance for self-determination. He joined the guerrillas in Botan and fought in almost every area there. He was no stranger to the area and within a short time he developed into a professional fighter who participated in numerous successful actions against the enemy.

In memory of the martyrs, HPG declared that the victory of the Kurdish liberation struggle is not far away. HPG expressed their sympathy to the families of martyrs and the people of Kurdistan.
