HDP MP Taşdemir: Isolation of Öcalan aims to prevent peaceful solutions

Political prisoners in Turkey and Kurdistan have been carrying out an indefinite-rotating hunger strike since November 27, 2020, demanding an end to the isolation against Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and ever-increasing rights violations in prisons. HDP Ağrı Deputy Dilan Diyet Taşdemir evaluated the aggravated isolation of Öcalan and the ongoing hunger strike resistance in prisons for ANF.

The HDP deputy said that the main goal with the isolation of Öcalan is to interrupt demands for a solution to the Kurdish problem. “The country is in crisis because of the policies of the AKP government. The crisis and turmoil are related to the Kurdish issue. There is a Kurdish issue in Turkey. The purpose of isolating Abdullah Öcalan is not to discuss the Kurdish problem, but to prevent peaceful solutions.

Why does the state not want the Kurdish problem to be resolved? When the Kurdish issue is resolved, the country will calm down and this genocidal system will collapse. The forces that drag Turkey into darkness will be put on trial, the country will find peace and there will be no room for mafia groups. That’s why they are aggravating the isolation. Until the Kurdish problem in Turkey is resolved, the crisis in the country will deepen and grow,” she said.


Taşdemir emphasized that Öcalan can resolve the Kurdish problem. “When the isolation is lifted and Öcalan speaks to the public, Turkey will achieve peace. Problems that had not been resolved for 50 years were resolved within a year thanks to the efforts of Öcalan. Öcalan’s voice is the hope and peace of the people. The whole world saw it during the solution process. The main interlocutor of the solution of the Kurdish problem is Öcalan. The Kurdish problem cannot be resolved through policies of persecution, arrest and killing. The Kurdish people, like every other people, demand a free identity and a common life. This demand can be met through recognizing Öcalan as an interlocutor.

We understand how deep the isolation is when we look at the extent of the war. They are doing everything to deceive the people of Turkey and to target the Kurds. It is the Kurdish people who have frustrated these state policies. Therefore, they constantly attack the Kurds and aggravate the isolation of Öcalan. He has been under isolation for 22 years and this isolation affects everyone.”


Taşdemir pointed out that the solution to the problems in Turkey and the Middle East is linked to the isolation. “Unless the isolation is lifted, there will be no solution in Turkey and the Middle East. For this reason, all peoples should take a determined stance against isolation and step into action. Breaking the isolation will end the war in Turkey. This will reveal a third line against the existing systems in the Middle East. Breaking the isolation will also pave the way for a democratic, ecological and women’s liberation paradigm. When the isolation is lifted, when Öcalan speaks to the public, society will calm down. Lifting the isolation means building peace.”


Taşdemir also talked about the ongoing hunger strikes in Turkey’s prisons. “I hope that before the situation of the prisoners on hunger strike gets as serious as in 2019, their legitimate demands will be met, the isolation will be lifted, their lawyers and family will be allowed to meet Öcalan and other prisoners. To end the isolation, the prisoners’ voice needs to be heard. The prisoners are doing their duty in jail. We should be their voice outside. The pressure against the prisoners is increasing. Recently, many families have visited us and talked about the rights violations in Turkish prisons. Despite all the crackdown, the prisoners have been on hunger strike to end the isolation and violations of their rights. We should be the voice of the prisoners outside.”