PYD: The people of Shengal are not alone

The Democratic Union Party (PYD) General Assembly has issued a statement regarding Monday’s attack by the invading Turkish army on Shengal where an airstrike killed YBŞ (Shengal Resistance Units) Commander Seid Hesen and YBŞ fighter İsa Xwêdeda and injured three civilians.

Pointing out that the attack was carried out on the third anniversary of the martyrdom of Mam Zeki Şengali, the statement emphasized that the Turkish state wanted to leave the Yazidi community without government. PYD defined the attack on Shengal as a violation of the sovereignty of Iraq.

The statement stressed that the people of Shengal are not alone, and the Kurds will not abandon the people of Shengal.

The PYD further said that Shengal is a part of the Iraqi state and therefore Iraq should not remain silent towards these brutal attacks on Iraqi soil. The party remarked that the central Iraqi government should defend its sovereignty in any case and that silence gives countenance to the attacks of the enemies.

The PYD called on Kurdish parties and political forces to stand by the Yazidi people and not to remain silent towards the attacks on the Kurds.