KCDK-E calls for mobilization against Turkey’s genocidal attacks

At noon today, Turkish airstrike targeted a vehicle on move in the centre of Shengal, killing a commander and a fighter of the YBŞ and injuring three people. According to YBŞ statement, YBŞ Commander Seid Hesen and his nephew, YBŞ fighter Isa Xwededa were martyred as a result of the attack which also left three civilians injured; Qasim Simo, Şamir Abbas Berces and Mirza Ali.

The European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress (KCDK-E) released a statement after the attack and said that the Turkish state’s bombing of civilian settlements has revealed its genocidal ambitions once again.

The statement said: “The Shengal Autonomous Administration has repeatedly warned about the danger and urged the international community to take precautions, stating that the Yazidi Kurds may face genocide and that political status should be granted to Shengal.

We had also stated that the silence of European states and international powers encouraged the invading Turkish army to attack and destroy the Yazidi Kurds in an attempt to carry out genocide against them.

We reiterate our call: do not sacrifice the Yazidi Kurds, the most ancient people in human history, for your own interests. Do not violate your own laws and universal values. Take all measures immediately to halt the invading Turkish state. Your silence will be deemed as partnership in this genocide.

We call on our patriotic people, humanity and friends to show solidarity with the people of Shengal and to take a stand against the genocidal Turkish state and stop the attacks.

As the KCDK-E, we call on our people and friends to mobilize wherever they are and stand against this genocidal attack.”