Turkey and its mercenaries sell wood from the olive trees they cut down in Afrin

The invading Turkish state and its mercenaries cut down 130 olive trees in Çoqê and Stêr villages, 90 olive trees and 10 walnut trees in Bilbilê district, and 50 olive trees in Cindirêsê on 12 August. It was alleged that the mercenaries sold the wood they obtained from the trees they cut down to the people.

On the other hand, it was also learned that Ehrar El Şerqiye mercenaries seized the Buhar Association building belonging to a person named Mihemed Mistefa.

It was also reported that Ahrar El Sharqiye mercenaries sold the house of Cuma Mihemed at the Maratê Junction to a person from Aleppo.

According to the information obtained from the region, the mercenaries sold a house and workplace located in the neighbourhood of Eşrefiye in Afrin and belonging to a man staying in Damascus, for 1,400 dollars and the workplace for 800 dollars.