PYD: The August 15 Initiative awoke the Kurdish people

The PYD (Democratic Union Party) General Assembly issued a statement on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the 15 August Initiative, the first bullet fired by the PKK at the Turkish army.

“With the first bullet fired against fear, the Kurdish youth declared the rightful project of protecting their people from the savagery of the Turkish state. The international conspiracy against Leader Abdullah Öcalan began with the first bullet as well. All forces that see their existence and interests in the enslavement and deprivation of peoples’ rights, allied with the Turkish state and designated the Kurdistan Freedom Movement as a terrorist organization,” the PYD statement said.

The statement added; “By taking sides with the invading Turkish state, the KDP is now actively contributing to the breakup of the Kurds. The first bullet fired on August 15, 1984, awoke the Kurdish people while also inspiring all peoples to avenge centuries of slavery and misery at the hands of the oppressors.”