19 prisoners in Giresun Espiye L Type Closed Prison test positive for Covid-19

Aras Aslan who is in Giresun Espiye L Type Closed Prison, spoke to his family on the phone and said that 19 political prisoners have tested positive for Covid-19 in his wing alone.

Aslan said: “I tested positive for 3 days. A few days ago, all the detainees in the ward next to us tested positive. And the infection spread to our wing. Our situation is not good at all. The condition of our friends in the other wing is serious. When our friends tested positive, precautions were not taken and they were not treated. That’s why we got infected. We do not receive treatment and drugs are not given. We have not been able to lift our heads off the pillow for 3 days. As a result of the pressure we put on the prison administration, we were given drugs today [Friday]. Our situation is a little better.”

Aras called on people outside to be the voice of prisoners.