Police attack shopkeepers in Bitlis, detain at least 70

Approximately 700 buildings in the central neighbourhoods of Atatürk, Devrim, Gazibey, Hersan and Müştakbaba in Bitlis were declared “areas at risk” in April 2020 by the Presidential Decree. In the application filed against the decision, the court suspended the decision. Despite the ruling, tradesmen were asked to vacate their workplaces before 30 July.

The workplaces that were not evacuated were requested to be evacuated by the police last night. The shopkeepers who refused to leave were badly attacked by the police. Attacking shopkeepers with rubber bullets and gas bombs at around 00:30, the police detained at least 70 people, including Bitlis Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Davut Tezcan.

In addition, many people who suffered violence in the police attack were taken to the hospital.