Two ISIS orphans handed over to Palestine


The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has handed over to Palestine two orphans of parents who had joined the terrorist militia ISIS. Abdulkarim Omar, co-chair of the Autonomous Administration’s Foreign Affairs Department, stated in Hesekê on Wednesday that the handover took place to a delegation from the Palestinian Consulate in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). According to the ambassador of Palestine in Hewlêr (Erbil), Nazmi Hazouri, the two siblings were received in the presence of their grandfather.

Speaking to the press, the Palestinian delegation thanked the Autonomous Administration authorities for their cooperative work on this “humanitarian mission.” The children’s parents were reportedly killed during an offensive by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against ISIS terror in northern and eastern Syria. It is not known when or where they died. It is also unclear in which camp the two orphans were last housed. However, ISIS supporters and their children are interned in only two of the fifteen larger camps in the autonomous regions: the Hol Camp near Hesekê and the Roj Camp near Dêrik.

Over 25,000 children of ISIS parents in Hol Camp alone

The Roj Camp is home to more than 2,600 ISIS members, most of whom are from other European countries. Hol currently houses around 60,000 people from over 50 different countries, including thousands of ISIS families arrested by the SDF after the capture of the last ISIS bastion of Baghouz in early 2019. Over 25,000 of the internees are minors who are being taught ISIS doctrine. This creates the risk of creating a new generation of terrorists.

The ISIS women have established their own structures and repeatedly commit atrocities against people who want to separate from the ISIS or do not live according to the standards of the terrorist organization. This situation is mainly related to the unwillingness of international support for the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and the repatriation of the inmates. Very few states are willing to take back their citizens held in Hol Camp. Most recently, the small Balkan country of Albania repatriated several ISIS women and their children.