YJA Star sends congratulatory message to the guerrillas in Dersim and Botan

The Free Women’s Troops (YJA Star) released a statement congratulating all our commanders and fighters who took part in “successful actions” against the Turkish army in the regions of Dersim and Botan, North Kurdistan.

The statement by YJA Star Headquarters Command says the following:

“Undertaking a leadership mission and efforts of self-sacrifice inspired by Zilan, we, women, are striving to continue our march until we lead our march to victory. In this difficult struggle against all kinds of dominant understanding, successful actions are carried out with tactics in line with the spirit of the period in this war of life-or-death, using women’s will, brain and heart.

Every action in Dersim is a response to the massacres carried out by the invading Turkish state during the 1937-38 period; it is also our promise to take revenge for our comrades Sara, Rojbin and Ronahi who were killed in Paris. Every resistance represents Zarife, Besê and Comrade Sara who did not surrender in the Amed Prison. The first bullet fired by our Great Commander Comrade Agit created a spirit of resistance among the people of Botan on August 15, and became a new hope for all the peoples of the Middle East with the firm stance of Kurdish youth in Zendura, Avaşin, Zap and many other fields. The pioneering stance of Comrade Binevş Agal during the 1992 Cizre uprising became the symbol of freedom for all the people of Kurdistan, and also demonstrated how Kurdish women embraced this war. The basis of these successful actions in Dersim and Botan in the recent period stems from this sacred tradition we inherited. These actions, carried out with new tactical innovations, take their inspiration from the power of the militant woman based on Abdullah Öcalan’s “Revolutionary People’s War” perspective.

The tactical action carried out on August 5 in the memory of comrades Zin Cizre and Yılmaz Dersim against the enemy’s secret units in Çakmaklı village of Hozat district of Dersim proves that the women of Kurdistan will crown the battle with victory.

On the other hand, the successful action carried out on August 6 as part of the Egîdên Botanê Victory Campaign against the enemy troops and a vehicle in Şamınıs Village of Çatak district of Van manifests the leadership role undertaken by YJA Star forces in all areas of Kurdistan.

We congratulate all our commanders and fighters who took part in and contributed to the action. We also greet you all with the Spirit of Victory created on August 15 and wish you all success.”