HSM congratulates Dersim and Botan Commands for successful actions

People’s Defence Centre (HSM) Headquarters Command sent a congratulatory message to the Dersim and Botan Commands for their successful actions against the invading Turkish army in Kurdistan territory.

The message includes the following:

“On July 30, you carried out a successful action against the Amûtka outpost in the Hozat district of Dersim province. A soldier was killed, and a military vehicle was damaged. Your action against the colonial Amûtka outpost, which was established in 1936 to massacre our Dersim people and killed myriad innocent Kurds, has historical significance and delivered a very significant message to the enemy forces.

Furthermore, the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star) forces carried out a successful action against a military unit in Dersim’s Hozat district on 5 August. In this coordinated action, at least one soldier was killed, and several others received a severe blow. This action, which was carried out in memory of the immortal commanders of the province of Dersim, Zîn Koçer and Yılmaz Dersim, is also a very meaningful and appropriate action. These actions once again indicated that the resistance and uprising fire of the Kurdistan revolution will never die away at the summits of Dersim mountains and will grow stronger until victory.

On 6 August, successful actions were carried out by YJA Star forces in the vicinity of Shamınıs village of Çatak district of Van. 10 Turkish soldiers were killed in these successive actions carried out to mark the 15 August Initiative. The ‘Egîdên Botanê Campaign’ demonstrated that the guerrilla struggle which is carried out in the line of Comrade Egîd (Mahsum Korkmaz), our great and immortal commander of the Botan Province, will continue until victory.

Dear friends,

These actions carried out in Bakure (Northern) Kurdistan provinces to commemorate our martyrs on the Resurrection Day are very important. The fact that these actions were planned and implemented by our YJA Star forces has once again revealed the pioneering role of Kurdish women in the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle. These successful actions also manifest the outstanding performance level achieved by the new era guerrilla.

We believe that the new era of guerrilla activity will become more practical, and that greater success will be achieved in the march to victory. We congratulate all the comrades, all the fighters and commanders who participated in these actions in Dersim and Botan Provinces and wish them further success.”