Kurdish artists: We need to act now, tomorrow may be too late

Kurdish artists discussed the current situation in Kurdistan in Cologne. Some fifty musicians, actors, painters, poets, directors, writers and translators discussed what can be done against the Turkish occupation of Kurdistan and how unity can be achieved.

The event, moderated by translator Jemal Hacî, was attended by musicians Şivan Perwer, Diyar and Beser Şahin, who recently traveled to South Kurdistan for talks. Other prominent participants were musicians Seyîdxan, Emekçi, Canê, Denîz Deman, Murat Yapıştıran, Cevad Merwanî, Comerd, Ganî Nar, Kawa, Peywan Arjîn, Memo Gül, Ali İkizer and Dilêr, director Ersin Çelik, painters Mîrê Hêkan and Alî Zulfîkar, poets Hekîm Sefkan and Hakan Akay as director of the Kurdish-German Cultural Institute.


Diyar: Before it’s too late

In his introductory speech, Hozan Diyar referred to the Treaty of Lausanne, which led to the division of Kurdistan almost a hundred years ago. The Kurds would have had to pay a heavy toll in the struggle for their right to exist, but never before has the starting position been as favourable as it is today. “The sun rises for us, and for the first time history smiles at us. We have achieved important things. The Kurdish people want to get a status and create the necessary conditions,” said the singer, adding: “The colonialist nation-states want to block these positive conditions. Erdogan is losing prestige around the world and there is only one way out: He wants the Kurds to fight each other. In this way, the Turkish state wants to occupy Rojava and South Kurdistan and destroy all Kurdish achievements. He has set up seventy military bases in South Kurdistan and is making extensive preparations to invade. In the meantime, the existing status of South Kurdistan is also in danger. If there is a fratricide war, we will lose another century. No Kurd can claim that this is none of his business. If we lose in the south, the entire Kurdistan will lose. That is why we have to take action immediately and not in two months. Before it is too late, we have to work for a unity of all Kurdish actors.”

Poet Sefkan: Civil war makes Kurds lose

Poet Hekîm Sefkan said that artists from Kurdistan came together against the Turkish state’s occupation of Rojava two years ago and have continued their work ever since. He added that the civil war always made the people of Kurdistan lose.

Şivan Perwer: There is a need for an Academy

Şivan Perwer said: “As artists, we talk, we discuss. For the last two years, we have been coming together and getting involved in political developments in Kurdistan. But we must also strengthen our work artistically.” 
Suggesting the establishment of an institution called Hêza Yekitiya Hunermendan (Union of Artists), Perwer reminded that approximately 3 million Kurds live in Germany and added: “The Artists’ Union should form a National Academy. This academy will be dedicated to filmmakers, album releases, and composers. In summary, it should help all branches of art. Three million Kurds live in Germany. Such an institution is now necessary.”
