Names of three fallen guerrillas announced

The press center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) has announced the death of three guerrilla fighters. Bawer Eruh and Ronî Dêrik were martyred in a bombardment of the Medya Defense Zones on June 24, while Cîlo Reşo was killed in a battle against the Turkish army in the Ömerli region of Mardin on August 5.

Nom de Guerre: Bawer Eruh
First-Last Name: Mehmet Emin Ekinci
Birthplace: Siirt
Mother’s-Father’s Names: Fatım – Methi
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 24 June 2021 / Medya Defense Zones


Nom de Guerre: Ronî Dêrîk
First-Last Name: Muhammed Şefik İbrahim
Birthplace: Dêrîk
Mother’s-Father’s Names: Buşra – Şefik
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 24 June 2021 / Medya Defense Zones


Nom de Guerre: Cîlo Reşo
First-Last Name: Süleyman Öztürk
Birthplace: Mardin
Mother’s-Father’s Names: Meryem – İbrahim
Date and Place of Martyrdom: 5 August 2021/ Mardin


Bawer Eruh was born in Eruh, Siirt on August 15, 1984. This day and place also mark the beginning of the armed struggle of the Kurdish liberation movement. Bawer witnessed the oppression of the Turkish state as a child and was later arrested as an activist of the youth movement. Despite various arrests and short prison terms, he continued his involvement and was arrested again in 2004. This time he had to stay in prison for four years. After his release in 2008, he continued to be active and finally joined the guerrilla in 2011. His first area of practice as a guerrilla was the Zagros Mountains. He remained there for many years, first as a fighter and later as a commander. Afterwards, he devoted himself to his ideological and military training in various party academies and took on important strategic tasks.



Ronî Dêrik was born in Rojava and came from the family of the Kurdish revolutionary Xebat Dêrik, who was assassinated in 2012 and was instrumental in building the YPG. Ronî grew up with the liberation movement and the revolution of Rojava and experienced the brutal attacks of ISIS as a youth. This strengthened his conviction that ISIS and the Turkish state must be fought with force of arms. He went to the mountains and joined the guerrillas.



Cîlo Reşo was born in Nusaybin, Mardin province and grew up in a revolutionary environment. He joined the guerrillas and completed ideological and military training in the mountains before returning to his home region of Mardin as a commander.


The HPG expressed their condolences to the relatives, the people of Eruh, Derik and Nusaybin and the entire Kurdish people and declared that they will realize the goals and dreams of the martyrs.
