DTK and DBP: All solutions pass through the Kurdish question

As part of the “Time for Freedom” campaign, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chairs Berdan Öztürk and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz joined forces with Labor and Democracy forces in Hakkari. The gathering was attended by the Hakkari Bar Association, Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), Human Rights Association (IHD), KESK Hakkari Branches Platform members and administrators, and a large number of citizens.


Speaking at the event, DTK Co-chair Berdan Öztürk declared that the AKP-MHP coalition committed severe crimes in order to keep power, adding, “The AKP and MHP do not want to lose power because of this. We must unite and take collective action against fascist governments. We will achieve our goal faster if we all take the same step. There is no justice left, and the government has violated human rights. They don’t recognize anyone except themselves and they have discriminatory attitudes.”


“For the last 6 years, the government has stated that it will fix all the problems as soon as possible,” Öztürk remarked, emphasizing that no problem can be solved without a solution to the Kurdish conflict. “We have advocated for a solution to the Kurdish dilemma all around the world. Mr. Öcalan is the solution and the addressee. As a result, when it comes to the Kurdish question, Mr. Öcalan is the sole interlocutor who can open the door to communication and negotiation. Mr. Öcalan has always made significant sacrifices in the past. We are all aware that he is prepared to do so after this time. Ending the bloodshed has played a critical role in the establishment of a democratic Turkey. If the Kurdish question is solved, the problem of democracy and law will be solved,” he said.


DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz reminded the message “I could eliminate the conflict situation in a week,” during the last meeting of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan with his lawyers on August 7, 2019, and said, “Mr. Öcalan worked hard for the Kurdish question to be resolved through democratic means.”However, both the state and the government’s policies of tyranny and oppression continue to worsen. This system, which was built with a patriarchal mentality, is absolutely dead. The AKP-MHP government wishes to construct its own dictatorship based on the denial of the Kurdish issue. In the 1990s, the government committed numerous massacres. Today, however, they are attempting to bring this massacre back against all Kurds.”


“Conflicts and battles continue throughout Kurdistan,” Aydeniz remarked, referring to discriminatory attacks against Kurds. “Anti-Kurdish policies and racist acts persist throughout Turkey. With its racist language, the AKP-MHP is attempting to divide people. Fighting with this mentality  is the essential obligation of all societal dynamics. We must continue our democratic struggle against all difficulties as a group,” she stated.

Later, the meeting was closed to the press.