Kongreya Star calls for recognition of Shengal Autonomous Administration

Kongreya Star released a statement on the 7th anniversary of genocide attacks against the Yazidis in 3 August 2014 and said, “We, as North and East Syrian Coordination of Kongreya Star, condemn the massacre against the Yazidis in Shengal on 3 August 2014, which was perpetrated to annihilate the Kurdish people throughISIS terrorism.”

The statement said, “People’s Defense Forces (HPG), Free Women’s Troops (YJA-Star) and People’s and Women’s Defense Units (YPG and YPJ) took initiative and opened a humanitarian corridor between Shengal and Rojava for Yazidis to be saved from genocide. Peshmerga forces in South Kurdistan did not get involved in this operation. On the other hand, the governments of South Kurdistan and Iraq took no action to defend the Yazidis in Shengal since the firman (decree of genocide) was announced.”

Kongreya Star called on “the United Nations (UN) Security Council, the Council of Europe and the international community to recognize the Yazidi genocide and the Autonomous Administration which has defended the existence of the Shengal people.”