Bekir Elo: Turkish Minister’s visit to Afrin aims to legitimate the invasion


Turkish Minister of Internal Affairs Süleyman Soylu’s latest visit to Afrin and Azaz in order to legitimate the occupation of Syrian territories continues to draw reactions.

Bekir Elo, co-chair of Afrin Region Executive Council, assessed Soylu’s visit to Turkish-occupied areas, saying, “This is not an ordinary visit. If it had been a visit, it should have been approved by the Damascus government. This is obviously an attempt to legitimate the invasion of Syrian territory.”

Recalling that Süleyman Soylu had crossed into Syria without approval of the Damascus government many times in the past, Elo underlined the difference of the latest trip from the previous ones and continued, “Süleyman Soylu’s trip to the mentioned regions coincided with the Turkish President Erdogan’s latest visit to Cyprus and Turkish Minister of Defence Hulusi Akar’s visit to Iraq shortly before.”

Defining Süleyman Soylu’s trip to Afrin and Azaz as a part of the Turkish state’s vicious politics, Elo indicated that Turkey intends to legitimate its occupation attacks on Syrian territories, to return to the borders of the National Pact and to revive the Ottoman Empire.

Bekir Elo also stated that the Turkish state, which has most recently attacked the martyrs’ cemetery in Afrin, strives to spread its internal political and economic crises to neighbouring countries in order to manipulate the attention focusing on itself.

“The invading Turkish state is aware of the fact that it has nothing to do in Afrin and northern Syria,” said Bekir Elo and warned that Turkey will make a great mistake if it attempts to repeat the experience of Iskenderun Sanjak. He added that they recognise the true colours of the Turkish state now.

Bekir Elo called on the Damascus government to fulfil its responsibilities.