HDP MP Uca brings up destruction of Afrin graves in Turkish parliament

HDP lawmaker Feleknas Uca has brought up the removal of the bodies of YPG-YPJ fighters and civilians from the Avesta Cemetery in Afrin, which has been under the occupation of the invading Turkish army and its mercenaries.

In a parliamentary question, Feleknas Uca raised concern over the Turkey-backed mercenaries’ destruction of a cemetery in the village of Şêxorze, Afrin.

Uca’s motion stated that the destroyed tombstones were either sold or used to build fences in the gardens of the houses where the mercenary groups stayed. It also mentioned state-run Anadolu Agency’s “mass grave” disinformation.

The motion submitted by MP Uca includes the following questions:

“*Is the destruction of graves and the removal of bodies compatible with human, religious or legal values? Is the fate of the bodies removed from the Avesta Cemetery known?

* How do you evaluate the destruction of the Şêrxorze cemetery in Afrin and the sale of the gravestones? Do you have any governmental plan to prevent these crimes against humanity?

* Will there be any sanctions regarding the fake news of Anadolu Agency, which keeps circulating disinformation, and does not comply with journalistic ethics?

* How many tombs, places of worship and historical monuments have been destroyed in Afrin so far? What is the reason for the attacks on people’s beliefs and cultures? Which religion and law allow disrespect for the dead?

* How do you evaluate the Minister of Interior’s visit to a region outside the borders of Turkey and receiving information about the activities there? Is Afrin affiliated to Turkey? Doesn’t this visit demonstrate that Afrin is under occupation?”