Yasemin Üçer: Our goal is to establish a women’s assembly in every city

The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Women’s Assembly was established in Amed (tr. Diyarbakir) on July 15. Assembly member Yasemin Üçer spoke to JinNews about the background, purpose and goals.

Yasemin explained that women’s assemblies should be established in all cities because organizing is the best weapon against the rising systematic violence against women, saying, “In our view, the anti-women, anti-youth and anti-society policies of the government can only be overcome with an organized struggle. This is the only solution in view of the banning of our party, the constant arrests and detentions, the increasing feminicides and the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. The HDP is a women’s party anyway and there is an active Women’s Assembly. This should be strengthened locally and expanded according to the specific conditions.”

It was decided to establish the Women’s Assembly in Amed after the murder of HDP member Deniz Poyraz. Work is now to be done locally to raise awareness and the level of organization among women. “Attacks on women take place in all spheres of life. We took to the streets against this throughout the year and shouted out our demands. With the established assembly, we want to gather all women under one roof. We will organize ourselves even more and fight the attacks specifically on women and, in general on society even more effectively.”

In order to be able to defend themselves against male and state violence, women must fight in an organized way, Yasemin said and continued: “When women are together, we can build a life of democratic living everywhere in the world. This is only possible through alternative efforts and daily solidarity with each other. We need to love and respect each other and organize ourselves every day, everywhere. I think we are closer than ever to the idea of a life of free living. The struggle for this is being led primarily by women and youth. We will succeed in this.”

The Women’s Assembly organizes at the district, town, provincial and central levels and aims to enable women to live a self-determined life. To encourage women to actively participate in political and social life, it tries to reach women from all social groups.